Enhanced search

Enhanced search is a feature that is gaining popularity in Ecommerce solutions. A standard solution does not do much more than show results that come from a simple "indexer" or a direct query on the database. These results are often flawed and rarely show the products that are relevant. Examples of solutions that are used for Enhanced Search are Solr and Elastic search. These solutions index, but also have the option to create tables with, for example, exceptions. In addition, there are solutions that use AI (artificial intelligence) to obtain better results. There are also solutions in which the results can be linked, for example, to optimal margins or to products that are in stock and need an extra sales impulse.

Listings in Enhanced search

Enhanced search is a feature that is gaining popularity in Ecommerce solutions. A standard solution does little more than show results coming from a simple "indexer" or a direct query on the database. These results are often flawed and rarely show the products that are relevant. Examples of solutions that are used for Enhanced Search are Solr and Elastic search. These solutions index, but also have the option to create tables with, for example, exceptions. In addition, there are solutions that use AI (artificial intelligence) to obtain better results. There are also solutions in which the results can be linked to, for example, an optimal margin or to products that are in stock and need an extra sales impulse.