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ePOS Trader
ePOS Trader

You can easily create your online store in 5 minutes
Epostrader is an online provider of cloud-based e-commerce software with the added option/function of a checkout. Epostrader allows users to create their own online store within minutes of registering. The software is suitable for all businesses who want to have an instant cost-effective online store to sell their products and services as well as an electronic POS terminal.

What makes us better?
Point of SaleePOS functionality makes our platform unique. You can use Epostrader just like a cash register if you want to. Epostrader is equipped with a built-in POS module that you can use in your walk-in store.

Always online and safe
Epostrader is hosted on our servers, which are secured according to the best standards. Our secure support ensures that your data and store are secure.

Most of our customers don't want to be a computer expert - they want to run their business! That's why we designed a system that is easy to use.