
Workarea is a robust and flexible e-commerce platform designed to meet the complex needs of modern retail businesses. Formerly known as "WebLinc", Workarea was renamed in 2017 to reflect its focus on providing a comprehensive solution for businesses of all sizes.

At its core, Workarea offers a highly customizable and feature-rich e-commerce experience, empowering businesses to create engaging and personalized online stores. The platform offers an easy-to-use interface and a wide variety of pre-built templates and themes, enabling businesses to quickly set up and customize their online storefronts to match their unique branding and style.

The strength of Workarea lies in its scalability and adaptability. The platform is designed to meet the demands of large and large-scale e-commerce operations, making it suitable for enterprise-level businesses. At the same time, it can be adapted to the needs of smaller companies and offers the flexibility needed for growth and expansion.

Workarea offers a range of powerful features including product management, inventory management, pricing options and customer relationship management (CRM). The platform also includes built-in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tools to help businesses improve their online visibility and attract organic traffic.

One of the standout features of Workarea is its focus on delivering exceptional shopping experiences to customers. The responsive design of the platform ensures that webshops are fully optimized for different devices, including smartphones and tablets. This mobile-first approach is essential to attract customers and increase sales in the mobile-driven world.

In addition, Workarea offers seamless integration with third-party applications and services, giving businesses the ability to expand their e-commerce capabilities. Integrations with payment gateways, shipping providers, marketing tools, and other services enable users to streamline their online activities and improve the overall customer experience.

Workarea is committed to data security and protection. The platform implements industry-standard security measures to protect sensitive customer information and ensure secure transactions, providing peace of mind for both businesses and their customers.

In short, Workarea is a powerful and adaptive e-commerce platform that meets the diverse needs of retail businesses. With its scalability, customization options, focus on mobile commerce and integration capabilities, Workarea enables businesses to create exceptional online retail experiences, effectively engage customers and drive growth in the competitive e-commerce landscape. Please note that this summary is based on information available up to September 2021 and there may have been further developments or updates to the Workarea platform after that date.