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Set up your business e-commerce today
Whether you are a wholesaler or distributor or have a retail or manufacturing business,
50ecom is a powerful tool that allows your customers to place and manage their orders on your business eCommerce website.

100% automated
All updates are automated, you only spend time getting images and descriptions for new products. 100% Automated synchronization of products, prices, stock levels, discounts, customers, orders, invoices, statements and balances.

Why choose us?
Easy to set up
Setup is automated and updates are automated. No csv files, messy data and reliance on third-party tools. A simple connection from Sage50 using Sage's goedgeapproved SDK to link to your website.

Pay monthly
No big upfront costs. You pay a small hosting and support fee per month. No limits on sales, products or customers you can have. No hidden catches and no cost scaling based on sales or users.

How does it work
Whether you are a wholesaler or distributor or have a retail or manufacturing business,
50ecom is a powerful tool that allows your customers to post and manage
their orders on your business eCommerce website.